E. Jankus GmbH

Industriebedarf und Schweißtechnik

JA - Protective Gas Compact System


Suitable for TIG-Welding !

For "Forming" pipes from Ø 105 mm to Ø 410 mm ( Pipe inner diameter )

For the compact system is important that the reduced volume from the welding area is helded very low
and the compact system is needed for root is placed near to the welding seam.
The compact design enhances the stability of the system in the pipe.
Aprobeconnectionfor measuringthe residual oxygen contentis present

Optional is also a run-device available (for better guidance in elbows!)



 Eigene Herstellung e



Test results and tarnishing

  • Click to enlarge image a.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image b.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image c.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image d.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image e.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image f.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image g.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image h.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image i.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image j.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image k.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image l.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image m.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image n.jpg